Art Data

Art Data allows you to create 2 types of tables and 12 types of charts. Custom templates can be created to control the look of your tables and charts. Quickly populate a table or chart using our built in dataset spreadsheet or you can load a dataset from SQL Query, HTML or CSV file.

Creating a Chart (single series) Dataset

Note: This guide only covers Art Data v2.2.0 and above. If you haven't migrated to Art Data v2.2.0 yet, please make sure to get the latest version and complete the migration. For more information about the scope of differences between Art Data v2.2.0 and previous versions please see here.

When you first click to create a new dataset this is how the page will look

Enter a name for your new dataset and select the Visualization Type that this dataset is meant for: either Table or Chart. For this example we're using Chart.

Select your dataset series. The choices are single and multi. Charts can be either single or multi but tables are purely single series. For this example we're selecting single series. After you've selected a series some sample data in a spreadsheet will be displayed on the page as well as a way to preview this data in a chart.

Notice the row with 4 buttons, 2 with a green plus symbol and 2 with a red minus symbol. The two buttons on the right add/remove rows and the two buttons on the left add/remove columns. We're going to add a row.

The row was added and we manually filled the data into this spreadsheet row.

Next we're going to add a new column to the spreadsheet by clicking the green plus sign on the left.

A new column was added to the right side of the spreadsheet and we manually filled in the data with Lexus, 22, 22.

After you're satisfied with the data you've entered into the spreadsheet you can use the "Preview Population" dropdown to preview how your data will look populated into a chart.

There are multiple types of chart that can be previewed. This is a Donut Chart.