Art Org Chart

Art Org Chart is a Joomla! component to build and show organization charts.


Install the extension using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall).


Charts are created and items are added to them from the Art Org Chart component. This is located under the main 'Components' menu in your Joomla Administrator area.

Creating a chart

  1. Navigate to 'Charts' view from menu on left side of screen.
  2. Click green 'New' button located at top of screen.
  3. Fill in the chart's title, description, access level, and set to published.
  4. Click save. Your chart has been created.

Creating a chart item

These instructions detail how to add items to your chart.

  1. Navigate to 'Items' view from menu on left side of screen.
  2. Click green 'New' button located at top of screen.
  3. Fill in the item's title, description, chart, parent item, link, and image url.
  4. Click save. Your item has been created.

Display a chart using the component

These instructions detail how to display an org chart using the component.

  1. Navigate to the menu manager and create a new menu item of type Art Org Chart.
  2. Select which chart you would like to show in this menu item.
  3. Click save. Your menu item has been created.
  4. When you visit this menu item you will see your chart.

Display a chart using the module

These instructions detail how to display an org chart using the module.

  1. Navigate to the module manager and create a new module of type Art Org Chart.
  2. Select which chart you would like to show in this module.
  3. Select the template position where you want the module to display.
  4. Click save. Your module has been created.

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# Article Title
1Art Org Chart - Getting Started