Art Table Lite

Create sortable, searchable, paginated tables from an SQL Query. To load data from sources other than SQL Query please see Art Table Full Version


Install the extension using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall).


Create new module from your module manager of type Art Table Lite. The parameters to set up Art Table Lite are explained below.

Module Params
Parameter Type Notes
Load jQuery library select (yes or no) Load jQuery javascript library in your page. Choose no to not load jQuery. This is recommended to be turned to yes.
Title string Give your table a title.
CSS class name string Give your table a CSS class name for more control of styling.
SQL Query string Enter an SQL Query here and Art Table Lite will run your query and transform your data into a sortable and searchable table.
Connection String string Only use this if you want to connect to databases other than the Joomla default database. Example: mysqli,localhost,db_name,root,pass