Art Data
Art Data allows you to create 2 types of tables and 12 types of charts. Custom templates can be created to control the look of your tables and charts. Quickly populate a table or chart using our built in dataset spreadsheet or you can load a dataset from SQL Query, HTML or CSV file.
Getting Started
Note: This guide only covers Art Data v2.2.0 and above. If you haven't migrated to Art Data v2.2.0 yet, please make sure to get the latest version and complete the migration. For more information about the scope of differences between Art Data v2.2.0 and previous versions please see here.
Install the extension using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall).
Install the component, module and plugin using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall). It's important that you install the component, then the module, then the plugin. The plugin is dependent upon the module for operation so make sure all three extension are installed before you get started exploring Art Data's many features.
If you're using a version of Art Data older than v2.2.0 then your upgrade will actually be a migration and not a standard upgrade.
First you will need to take note of all of the tables or charts you were creating with the older version of Art Data and save the plugin shortcodes you were using on your site somewhere local on your computer so you can get to them later (just put them in a txt or html file and save them for later).
The next step is to completely uninstall the older version of Art Data (both the component and the plugin) from the Extensions -> Manage page. Check your joomla site database to make sure that there aren't any Art Data database tables left behind. If there are then drop any old Art Data table that remains.
The final step is to install your newer copy of Art Data v2.2.0+ using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall) and then re-create your charts and tables in the Art Data administrator component. You'll use our easy user interface to create tables and charts, style them and populate them with data like you did in previous versions of Art Data. The biggest difference between Art Data v2.2.0+ and older versions is that in 2.2.0+ all table and chart configuration is done from the Joomla administrator not through configuring plugin parameters on a plugin shortcode. This makes configuration and setup time much easier and faster. Tables and charts can then be deployed with a simple plugin shortcode like [artdata id="1"] or you can deploy tables and charts using the included module or by setting a menu item to type of Art Data Visualization.
Ok, so you've installed and/or migrated to Art Data v2.2.0+. The basic parts of Art Data you need to know are below:
- Visualizations
- The 'visualizations' administrator view is where you will configure your chart or table's basic options such as 'What type of visualization is this going to be? Table or Chart?', 'What type of Table or Chart?,' 'What template would you like to use with this visualization?', 'What dataset would you like to use to populate the visualization?'. You get the picture. The visualization is what ties everything together.
- Data
- The 'data' administrator view is where you can create a dataset by entering your data into a web spreadsheet application that is built right into Art Data. This makes it quick and easy to create a dataset and populate a table or chart. You can add and remove columns and rows just like a real spreadsheet. The data view was specifically created for the purpose of easy data population because not everyone knows how to write an SQL Query. Create datasets specifically for tables or if you're using a chart then you can select either single series data or multiple series data. Formatting data for populating a visualization has never been easier.
- Templates
- The 'templates' administrator view is where you can customize nearly everything about the way a table or chart looks including colors, padding, border etc. pretty much everything about the look of the data visualization.
Deploying a Visualization on your Joomla Site
Art Data consists of a component, module, and plugin so you can deploy a table or chart on your site in whatever way you prefer.
The component administrator is for creating and managing your visualizations. One way to deploy a visualization on the front end is to create a new menu item of type 'Art Data Visualization'. This will use the component output to display your table or chart and using this method the visualization will be the main part of the webpage.
Another way to deploy a visualization is to use the content plugin. Using this method you can write [artdata id="1"] using the shortcode provided for you in the component administrator and you can put this shortcode anywhere on your site and it will be transformed into a visualization.
The last way to deploy a visualization is to use the module. Simply create a new module instance and select the visualization you'd like to display from the module administrator area, select a template position where you'd like the table or chart to show up and you're done. Three great ways to deploy an Art Data Visualization on your Joomla 3.x site.
Create a Visualization
Visualization Input Fields
Field | Description |
Type | Select the type of visualization you'd like to create. There are 2 types of tables and 12 types of charts. |
Field | Description |
Name | Give the visualization a name to help you remember it's purpose |
Published | Toggle the visualization published or unpublished |
Show Title | Hide or display the title |
Access | Set the access level that is required to see the visualization |
Description | Describe the visualization to help you remember it's purpose |
Field | Description |
Source Type | Select the type of data source you want to use to populate your visualization with data. 'Custom' will lead you to SQL Query, CSV File and HTML data sources. 'ArtData Dataset' will lead you to select one of your datasets which can be created from the 'data' administrator view. |
Dataset | Select one of your datasets which can be created from the 'data' administrator view. This select field will only show if you're using the 'ArtData Dataset' source type. |
Source | Select which custom data source you would like to use: SQL Query, CSV File or HTML. This select field will only show if you're using the 'Custom' source type. |
Source Content | The source content is how to get to your custom data. If you're using an SQL Query you will enter your query here. If you're using CSV File you will enter the relative path from the root to your CSV File. If you're using HTML you will enter your HTML table content here. |
CSV Delimiter | Set the character you want to use to delimit your csv file. Comma is the default. This select field will only show if you're using the 'Custom' source type and the CSV File source. |
Database | Select the type of database you'd like to connect to for your SQL Query. Choices include MySQL - Joomla Database, MySQL - Other Database, PostgreSQL, MSSQL (mssql extension), MSSQL (sqlsrv extension), Oracle, Access, SQLite, Firebird, Informix, Foxpro, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, Netezza, LDAP, ODBC, ODBTP. This select field will only show if you're using the 'Custom' source type and the SQL Query source. |
Connection Details - Host | Enter the hostname for the database you wish to connect with. This select field will only show if you're using the 'Custom' source type and the SQL Query source and have selected a 'Database' other than the MySQL - Joomla Database. |
Connection Details - Database Name | Enter the name of the database you wish to connect with. |
Connection Details - Database User | Enter the username of a user that has permissions to read from the database you wish to connect with. |
Connection Details - Database Password | Enter the database user's password |
Field | Description |
Template | Select which of your templates to use with the visualization. |
Field | Description |
Convert Links & Images | Art Data gives you to ability to convert file paths to images into image tags in your tables and convert urls to links. Automatically is the basic functionality that allows you to do this without any further setup. This select field only shows if you're creating a table visualization. |
Link Conversion Pattern | TITLE|URL is the default pattern that should be used in this field. This will allow you to have more control over the look of links. Specify your anchor text as TITLE and your url as URL. Like this: Google| This select field only shows if you're creating a table visualization and is only used if you have 'By Pattern' selected for Convert Links & Images select field. |
Nofollow Links | Set your links to use the rel="nofollow" attribute. This select field only shows if you're creating a table visualization. |
Open links in new window | Set your links to use the target="_blank" attribute. This select field only shows if you're creating a table visualization. |
Chart Orientation | Display your chart horizontally or vertically. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Chart Title | Enter a title to be displayed above your chart. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Chart Sub-Title | Enter a sub-title to be displayed above your chart but underneath the main chart title. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Horizontal Axis Label | Enter a label to be displayed on the horizontal axis (x axis) of your chart. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Horizontal Axis Sub-label | Enter a label to be displayed on the horizontal axis (x axis) of your chart but underneath the main horizontal axis title. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Vertical Axis Label | Enter a label to be displayed on the vertical axis (y axis) of your chart. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Vertical Axis Sub-label | Enter a label to be displayed on the vertical axis (y axis) of your chart but underneath the main horizontal axis title. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Downloadable Chart | Toggle downloadable chart on or off. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |
Download Label | Add a label to the download link. This select field only shows if you're creating a chart visualization. |