Art Table

Art Table is a module allowing you to insert sortable, searchable tables, multiple types of data charts for easy data presentation from data sources such as HTML tables, SQL queries and CSV files.


Install the extension using standard Joomla! installation procedure (Extensions -> Install/Uninstall).


Create new module from your module manager of type Art Table. The parameters to set up Art Table are explained below.

Module Params
Parameter Type Notes
Load jQuery library select (yes or no) Load jQuery javascript library in your page. Choose no to not load jQuery from Art Table.
Table Type select The type of table to create. This refers to the feature set of the table. There are 4 types of tables that can be used and one Chart type which can be used to create charts such as line graphs, bar charts and more. The most popular choice for table creation seems to be the Table Sorter. Other choices here include Table Sorter, Sortable, Data Table, HTML Table and Chart.
Data Table Theme select Choose from one of many themes to change the look of your table. The most popular choice amongst users is ui-lightness theme. Other choices include black-tie, blitzer, cupertino, dark-hive, dot-luv, eggplant, excite-bike, flick, hot-sneaks, humanity, le-frog, mint-choc, overcast, pepper-grinder, redmond, smoothness, south-street, start, sunny, swanky-purse, trontastic, ui-darkness, ui-lightness and vader.
Table Source select This is the data source type for the data you want to load into a table or chart. Choices here include HTML Table, SQL Query and CSV File.
Title string Give your table a title.
CSS class name string Give your table a CSS class name for more control of styling.
HTML Table string Only use this if you have set your Table Source to HTML Table. Enter your raw html and Art Table will transform your plain, basic HTML table into a sortable and searchable table.
SQL Query string Only use this if you have set your Table Source to SQL Query. Enter an SQL Query here and Art Table will run your query and transform your data into a sortable and searchable table.
Connection String string Only use this if you have set your Table Source to SQL Query and you want to connect to databases other than the Joomla default database. Example: mysqli,localhost,db_name,root,pass
CSV File string File path to your CSV file in your server file system.
CSV Delimiter string The character you used to delimit your CSV file. This is most commonly the comma and the comma is set by default. If you wish to use a different delimiter you can change it here.
Convert Links and Images select Toggle between automatically (standard link and image conversion), by pattern (follows the pattern set in Link Conversion Pattern parameter) and no which doesn't convert links and images. The way this works is if your data contains a path to an image or a URL then Art Table will make the image display using HTML img tag or in the case of a URL it will transform the URL into a clickable link.
Link Conversion Pattern string
Nofollow Links select (yes or no) Set your converted links to nofollow easily by setting this to yes.
Open Links in a New Window select (yes or no) Set your converted links to open in a new window easily by setting this to yes.
Show First Link select (yes or no) If true clicking first link will limit table view only to current row
Search Text string Set the text to show inside the search input box.
Search Input Size string Set the size of the search input box.
Excel File Name string Indicate excel file name only if you need to generate an Excel file from your SQL query.
Chart Type select Only use if your Table Type is set to Chart. Chart types include LineChart, AreaChart, BarChart, ColumnChart and PieChart.
Chart X Axis Title select Set a title on the x axis of your chart.
Chart Y Axis Title select Set a title on the y axis of your chart.
Chart Width select Set the width of your chart.
Chart Height select Set the height of your chart.