Art Calendar is a Joomla! component that is used to create visually rich, interactive, modern calendars that can be quickly deployed on the front end of your Joomla site. Easily populate calendar with events from the Art Calendar administrator area or from Google Calendar API, or both! Add Google Maps API locations to your events, create recurring events, add an image slideshow and attach documents and files.
Add Google Calendar events, add Google Map locations, add Google Recaptcha to your front-end event views.
Create beautiful image slideshows to display with your event and control settings like autoplay, kenburns, animation and more .
Display events from several different calendars all on one calendar. The modern way to categorize your events.
Display Modes
Between the component views, mini calendar module and events module there are 8 different ways to display events.
Choose between 18 themes including Bootstrap, jQuery UI and more. Set display settings, set custom date formats and more.
Our support staff can help you be it a simple configuration issue, fixing a bug or a new feature request.
Purchase Includes
- - Art Calendar Component for Joomla - Display a large, customizable calendar
- - Art Calendar Mini Module for Joomla - Display a mini calendar
- - Art Calendar Events Display Module for Joomla - Display Events in a listing using 1 of 6 available layouts
- - Art Calendar Google Plugin - powers Google API integration for Art Calendar component and modules
- - Art Calendar Themes Plugin - powers themes for Art Calendar component
- Exclusive access to free, timely, hands on support via our Support Ticketing system.
- 1 year of software upgrades!
- Free, lifetime forum access
- Create highly-customizable calendars from the Art Calendar administrator
- Google Calendar API Integration
- Choose from 1 of 18 themes to change the calendar style
- Themes feature Default, Twitter Bootstrap, Aristo and 16 jQuery UI based themes.
- Customizable time formats, start date, day of week to start with, etc.
- Front-end event creation
- Front-end event editing
- Google Recaptcha v2 support for front-end event creation and editing
- Right to left support (for Arabic and Hebrew)
- Control Month Names, Month Abbreviations, Day Names, Day Abbreviations
- ACL support
- Toggle calendar weekends on/off
- Set pixel height of calendar
- Set aspect ratio of calendar
- Set custom date formatting
Art Calendar Mini Module
- Google Calendar API Integration
- Display a mini calendar with list of calendar events
- Display events on a per day modal event list
- Set a Default Month
- Set a Default Year
- Set height and width
- Add Google Maps locations to your events
- Events with a location attached feature driving directions
- Add images to your events that display on front-end in fancy slideshow
- Control slideshow settings like: height, animation, duration, autoplay and ken burns effect
- Add file attachments to your calendar events for download on front-end of calendar
- Import calendar events from CSV file for maximum productivity
- Customize event colors with colorpickers
- Recurring (repeating) events support
- Single-date and interval events
- Events can have description and links
- All Day events
Art Calendar Events Module
- Google Calendar API Integration
- Display event listings (without calendar)
- 6 different display modes
- Basic List - Display a listing of events
- Bulleted List - Display a listing of events with bullets
- Line List - Display a listing of events separated by lines
- Striped List - Display a listing of events with a striped background
- Accordion - Display a listing of events inside an accordion
- Dynamic Grid - Display a listing of events inside a responsive, dynamic grid
- Custom control over event data ordering and limits
- Set Limit to control how many events are displayed
- Set Ordering Direction to ascending or descending to acheive desired event order
- Upcoming Events - Display upcoming events (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Recently Past Events - Display recently past events (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Event Start Date - Order by Event Start Date (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Event End Date - Order by Event End Date (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Event Created - Order by Event Created (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Event Title - Order by Event Title (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Event ID - Order by Event ID (used in concert with Limit and Ordering Direction)
- Show or hide description
Site Component - Screenshots
Site Component - Themes Screenshots
Admin Component - Screenshots
version 3.2.4
- Control whether to load UIKit or not (prevent conflicts on UIKit based templates)
- Extended UIKit loading control to the two modules
- Added default colors for calendars
- Control event color inheritance (whether to apply color assigned at event level or inherit the default calendar color)
- Enhanced ACL control over creating new events and editing events on the front-end
- SEF router support
- Fixed a mini calendar bug which caused multi-day events not to load correctly on their last day of occurrence
version 3.2.3
- New admin ajax search functionality
- Add images to your events and show in a slideshow on front-end
- Moved settings from modal into it's own view (we're going to continue adding more controls here)
- Added settings for controlling for image slideshow
- Control image slideshow height
- Control image slideshow animation
- Control image slideshow animation duration
- Toggle image slideshow autoplay
- Toggle image slideshow ken burns
version 3.2.2
- Numerous calendar groups bug fixes
- Calendar groups show events from multiple calendars on one calendar
- Added ACL support for administrator event creation + editing
- Administrator UI improvements
version 3.2.1
- Migrate google calendar events open in Art Calendar event display modals rather than going to Google Calendar site when clicked
- Add toggle for event data layout type in mod_artcalendarevents - set to horizontal or stacked to change the way event data is displayed
- Add time and date formatting settings from Art Calendar component into mod_artcalendarevents
- Begin to integrate Art Calendar display code into single, modular class to be used everywhere that Calendars are displayed. This increases stability as we continue our rapid development cycles of new versions every couple of weeks.
version 3.2.0
- Created API class for creating modal views - implement it on site & administrator
- Change current mod_artcalendar into mod_artcalendarmini
- Added modal details view to mod_artcalendarmini
- Google Calendar API integration added to mod_artcalendarmini
- Google Calendar API integration added to mod_artcalendarevents
- Plugin plg_artcalendar_google created to power Google API Integration
- Plugin plg_artcalendar_themes created to power themes feature
version 3.1.9
- Ability to create ‘All Day’ events added
- Remove or add weekends from calendar
- Set pixel height of calendar
- Set aspect ratio of calendar
- Improved installation process
- Various Administrator & Site UI improvements
- Art Calendar Events module - display events in 7 different layouts
- Various Improvements to Art Calendar Mini module
version 3.1.8
- critical security patch applied to prevent CSRF spoofing
- additional security added to front-end event creation and editing
version 3.1.7
- fixed bug with some toggle buttons not saving correctly
- added theme's feature for calendars - calendars can have a theme attached (select from one of 10 themes)
version 3.1.6
- added 24hr time to main, front-end calendar view
- added target="_blank" to google calendar events to load these events in new window when clicked
version 3.1.5
- fixed bug with saving published value for calendar groups from new and edit modals in administrator
- moved calendar groups into using JTable for storing data in the create new and edit tasks (this results in increased security) in administrator
- improved pagination algorithm for administrator events view
- added colorpickers to administrator create new event modal and edit event modal
- fixed issue with show time parameter not correctly implemented on front end
- fixed issue with show time, published parameter toggle freezing on administrator edit event modal
- fixed issue with event attachments not removing from event after event attachment toggle was set to off
- fixed issue with google calendar api key not able to remove from settings
- added google recaptcha v2 support for front-end event creation and editing
version 3.1.4
- fixed bug with saving of rightToLeft and fixedWeeks params on create new calendar
- fixed bug with calendar ACL not restricting users correctly
- added toggle between 24hr and AM/PM time
version 3.1.3
- fix bug with display of monthName and dayName settings overrides in front end of calendar
- fix bug with event description not saving from create new event modal in administrator events area
- added pagination to administrator events area list
- added event color picker to batch actions area so that users can change several events to a specific color all at one time
version 3.1.2
- Remove redundant UIkit library from administrator and load site version on both admin and site (reduces install size by ~ 40%)
- Add color field to events with colorpicker to create custom colored events
version 3.1.1
- Added ability to create and edit events from front-end of calendar
- Added ability to turn off front-end creation and editing of events for certain calendars
- Fixed bug with adding Google Calendar Ids
- Fixed bug with editing Google Calendar Ids
version 3.1.0
- Added better administrator ACL control
- Added event search filters
version 3.0.0
- Completely rewritten from previous version of 2.0.8
- Migrated into MVC structure
- Engineered for maximum usability with Joomla 3x
- Updated Google Calendar integration to work with new Google Calendar API v2
- Added UIKit library for smooth UI experience
To install or upgrade your Art Calendar please install all Art Calendar extensions:,,, and Enable both plugins via the plugin manager. To learn more please read the knowledgebase
If you use Art Calendar, please post a rating and a review on the Joomla! Extensions Directory.