Art Sexy Lightbox Demo

Hint: Use your mouse to resize your browser window smaller to see the grid react and resize itself according to your settings!

Responsive Grid


{artsexylightbox path="images/sampledata/people" useGrid="1" gridColumnsSmall="1" gridColumnsMedium="2" gridColumnsLarge="4" color="modern"}{/artsexylightbox}

Using the responsive grid

The responsive grid allows you full control of how many columns display in your Art Sexy Lightbox gallery. You are able to control how many columns display on large screens (desktop/laptop computers), medium sized screens (tablets), and small screens (mobile/phones).

Possible values: 0 (off), 1 (on). Activate on the responsive grid feature.
Possible values: any integer. Control how many columns display on small screens. If set to 1, will display 1 column for small screens.
Possible values: any integer. Control how many columns display on medium screens. If set to 2, will display 2 column for small screens.
Possible values: any integer. Control how many columns display on large screens. If set to 4, will display 4 column for small screens.