Artetics Blog
Thank You SysAdmins !!
Your network is secure, your computer is up and running, and your webserver is still online. Why? Because you’ve got an awesome sysadmin (or maybe a whole IT department) keeping your business up and running. So say IT loud; say IT proud …
Wait… what exactly is SysAdmin Day? Oh, it’s only the single greatest 24 hours on the planet… and pretty much the most important holiday of the year.
It’s also the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to the heroic men and women who, come rain or shine, prevent disasters, keep IT secure and put out tech fires left and right. And even when disaster might strike, they’ll fix it. They are our heroes, day and night, who keep our websites online, our web servers running and who defend us against malicious attacks.
Looking for a good way to celebrate these Rock Stars ?
Proper observation of SysAdmin Day includes (but is not limited to):
We would like to thank Brad Baker, Michael Babker, Siteground and Rochen for being our Sys Admins!
Thank you SysAdmins and enjoy Your most important Holiday!
* Image Credit : Helvécio "Elvis" da Silva
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