The stable release of Joomla! CMS 3.3 is only a few weeks away, so it’s time to start planning the upgrade, as there are some significant enhancements that will improve your site.
We currently have several students who are participating in the GSoC Mailing List discussions and deciding on which project they want to tackle this year from the Joomla 2014 GSoC Project Ideas list. But we would really like to see as many students as possible take advantage of this great opportunity.
A few short weeks ago, Joomla was accepted into the 2014 Google Summer of Code! That makes 8 years that the Joomla project has participated as a Mentor Organization and we’re excited to take part again this year.
This week (Monday 10th - Friday 14th 2014) Joomla will be present at CeBIT 2014, which is the world's largest and most international computer expo in Hannover, Germany. Joomla shares a booth called “CMS Garden” together with 7 other open source content management systems. Last year the shared booth was a great success and this year we hope to continue that...
Google Summer of Code is close and fast approaching! I’m proud to say that over the last two years Joomla has had a very successful GSoC program with a great success rate of projects that have become major Joomla features or essential developer tools in libraries.
The Marketing Working Group (MWG) is pleased to announce the addition of new team members.
The Joomla Events Team held a meeting on December 15, 2013. At this meeting the team discussed the goals for 2014 and also identified several areas that could be improved and potential solutions.
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