Artetics Blog

JUG team seeks new Team Lead

The Joomla User Group (JUG) team is a vital part of our community, ensuring that our passionate community members can connect with other people living near them and meet up in-person to share their love for Joomla!.

The JUG Team is looking for a new Team Lead.

The Role Description is: 

Organise and chair JUG team meetings

Communicate with CLT Liaison

Oversee JUG team public communications

Organise end-of-term reviews for JUG team members

Review listings escalated by the JUG team

Ensure updated terms of service and documentation for JUG directory

Overall responsibility for JUG team

Attendance at Joomla community events where possible

Additionally, normal JUG Member responsibilities apply.  The JUG team lead will also be responsible for appointing and co-ordinating the assistant team lead roles. 

You can find out more about the JUG team and read our previous reports at

If you are interested in applying for the JUG Team Lead role, please fill out the application at

We have a pretty good team established now so a Team Lead that will be responsive to email, keep on top of new/updated listings and member enquiries will enable the JUG Team to be more involved with outreach and helping JUGs do more.  We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Questions? Email the JUG team at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  or email CLT liaison  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

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Original author: Ruth
The new Joomla! Shop is looking for creative minds...
Thank You Jessica Dunbar!!

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